Road Work in Progress:
Contractor is installing subdrain along West side of hill and is expected to finish subdrain installation Friday morning. Contractor will follow with bringing in rock and prepping the rock for paving. Paving is currently planned to take place next Thursday or Friday. After West side of hill is paved, East side will begin to be prepped for paving.
Public Utilities Installation:
Contractor working on installing water services. They plan to begin switching services over next week. Residents will be notified prior to losing connection to water. This is expected to take two weeks. Contractor will then begin installing storm sewer at 2nd Ave near TBK Bank.
Private Utility Updates:
MidAmerican Energy (Electrical) is boring line down the hill today and tomorrow. Will be dropping overhead lines on hill on Monday at the earliest. MidAmerican Gas will be on site this Saturday to finish main installation.